Wow classic raw sunscale salmon. 99s 83c each (an hour ago) - Current price of Raw Sunscale Salmon on Classic US - Remulos US - Alliance. Wow classic raw sunscale salmon

99s 83c each (an hour ago) - Current price of Raw Sunscale Salmon on Classic US - Remulos US - AllianceWow classic raw sunscale salmon  Time your fishing: Whitescale salmon are more active during dawn and dusk, so plan your fishing trips

Raw Sunscale Salmon x 105 = 150g/stack = 787g Raw Whitescale Salmon x 98 = 90g/stack = 735g Lightning Eel x 15 = 8g/each = 120g Raw Redgill x 40 = 10g/stack = 40g Green Item x 1 = 30g. Related. 52 Major Healing Potion 2 0. You'll also snag a bunch of Raw Sunscale Salmon along with it, which is great for skilling up your cooking from 250. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. 0. 14 Raw Nightfin Snapper 75 18. " Not a bad after-effect that you don't get from the raw variety. 0). Comment by 156706 I fished for a while in Winterspring, in the biggest of the three small lakes in the Western region of the zone. When you add it all together, in combat health recovery is staggering. 58 Lightning Eel 37 9. 3). Raw Whitescale Salmon 166 40. Sell Price: 10. 2). 2. You can make some decent gold just by fishing these high end fish and selling them:. 85 Plated Armorfish 55 13. Global Europe Amnennar. and 6 a. Comments. Used: Nat Pagel's Extreme Angler FC-5000 Soulbound Unique Two-Hand Fishing Pole 93-140 Damage Speed 3. An item from Classic World of Warcraft. Tradeskill recipe; Cannot be used while shapeshifted; Guides. 12 Raw Sunscale Salmon 12 Raw Redgill 2 Oily Blackmouth 3. 85 Plated Armorfish 55 13. 40 Raw Whitescale Salmon 34. 2%) I was 300 fishing skill base, using a Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000 fishing rod (+25) and Bright Baubles (+75)Added in Classic World of Warcraft. Tema Clásico Tema Thottbot. Use: Restores 874. Instant. Reagents. Also restores 6 health every 5 seconds for 10 min. Raw Whitescale Salmon 166 40. 1 Raw Sunscale Salmon (0. Links. Reagents. Kommentar von 132985. 14 Raw Sunscale Salmon 14 raw nightfin Snapper 10 raw mithril head trout 9 oily Black mouth. [Bloated Salmon], a container. Requires . 53 raw Redgill 14 Raw Sunscale Salmon 14 raw nightfin Snapper 10 raw mithril head trout 9 oily Black mouth. 0. Información relacionada. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. 2%) I was 300 fishing skill base, using a Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000 fishing rod (+25) and Bright Baubles (+75)Page not found. 290 . 49 Superior Mana Potion 2 0. 1. 3). Added in Classic World of Warcraft. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. The Hinterlands. 2%) 1 49 Pound Redgill (0. Comment by FronK I'm catching Winter Squid today (as of 25th september 2006). Live PTR 10. 58 Lightning Eel 37 9. Raw Sunscale Salmon 57 -> 38% Raw Redgill 17 -> 11. Item Level 45. Immer auf dem aktuellen Stand mit dem neuesten Patch. 99 Raw Redgill 19 4. What I did get was Raw Sunscale Salmon, Lightning Eel, Raw Redgill, several Raw Mithril Head Trout, and Oily Blackmouth. Poached Sunscale Salmon Guides. 5% 21 Raw Sunscale Salmon 18. Always up to date with the latest patch (3. Comments. Item Level 10. Unlikely to be worth cooking up (mightfish steak) unless you're raising cooking skill. Comment by Allakhazam When the sun dial turns to night, you can. Immer auf dem aktuellen Stand mit dem neuesten Patch. Raw Sunscale salmon: 75 (44%) Raw Whitescale Salmon: 59 (35%) Raw redhill: 25 (14%) Lighting eel:. Went in with 270 fishing and added a 75 lure + 25 from my extreme angler - total 370! Took my skill all the way to 300 in about 1:30 hr and caught:-16 Large Raw Mightfish-46 Darkclaw Lobsters Also:-33 Stonescale Eel-2 Reinforced Locked Chests-19 Zesty Clam-1 Mithrill Casing (from a box)He also sells the recipes for stonescale salmon and grilled squid. 85 Plated Armorfish 55 13. In the Kalimdor Zones category. 52 Major Healing Potion 2 0. 58 Lightning Eel 37 9. Live PTR 10. 17, 14. 00 So Sunscale salmon and Nightfin Snappers dosen't seem to care much about the time of the day. 24. Comment by allmetallica This fish i gained during daytime on WoW, As the night fish is gained during the night. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. I fished the pier in Surwich for 10 minutes and caught x25 Raw Sunscale Salmon x15 Raw Whitescale Salmon and x10 Raw Redgill. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. 14. 40 Raw Whitescale Salmon 34. Kommentar von 4336. 2. 14 Raw Nightfin Snapper 75 18. 0). top tbc. Name. 20. 5. Best WoW Classic Fishing Farming Spots Cooking Leveling 1-300 Guide - WoW Classic Cooking Vendor Recipes in WoW Classic. 2. View undefined undefined undefined from Wrath of the Lich King Classic. Comentario de Thottbot It is significant as it is. Also, if youre leveling cooking you have to head there to get the recepie for Lobster Stew and Mightfish Steak anyway. 2%) 1 49 Pound Redgill (0. 53 raw Redgill 14 Raw Sunscale Salmon 14 raw nightfin Snapper 10 raw mithril head trout 9 oily Black. Location: Quel' Danil Lodge - Hinterlands. 99 Raw Redgill 19 4. 5 PTR 10. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. 58 Lightning Eel 37 9. 2. But while I wait for my friends to get on I kill time to fish…Added in Classic World of Warcraft. 49 Superior Mana Potion 2 0. Raw Whitescale Salmon x18 Raw Sunscale Salmon x11 Raw Nightfin Snapper x6 Raw Greater Sagefish x9 Lightning Eel x6 Raw Redgill x5 I got the Raw Whitescale Salmon pretty much every other cast, especially once the Greater Sagefish School disappeared. m. Raw Sunscale Salmon makes a good hp5 food, Poached Sunscale Salmon. Always up to date with the latest patch (2. 205 - 300. Location: Quel' Danil Lodge - Hinterlands Server Time: 10pm-12am (Night time) Catch Total: 145 Raw Redgill: 80 ~ 55% Raw Night Fin: 21 ~ 14% Raw Mitheril Head Trout: 16 ~ 11% Raw Sunscale Salmon: 14 ~ 10% Oily Blackmouth: 14 ~ 10% Welcome back to Classic WoW! If you are looking for the famed Night Fins here is current data on a 1hr fishing session. Ajouté dans World of Warcraft Classic. Sempre aggiornati con le ultime patch (10. Toujours actuelle pour la dernière mise à jour (2. 5. Requires Cooking Fire. Raw Sunscale Salmon – These highest catch rate is during 12p. 49 29 Pound Salmon 1 0. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. 4). Instant. 14 Raw Nightfin Snapper 75 18. Commentaires. This item can be purchased in Feralas (2). best tbc. Sell Price: 10. Location: Quel' Danil Lodge - Hinterlands Server Time: 10pm-12am (Night time) Catch Total: 145 Raw Redgill: 80 ~ 55% Raw Night Fin: 21 ~ 14% Raw Mitheril Head Trout: 16 ~ 11% Raw Sunscale Salmon: 14 ~ 10% Oily Blackmouth: 14 ~ 10% Recipe: Poached Sunscale Salmon - Item - TBC Classic. 2%) I was 300 fishing skill base, using a Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000 fishing rod (+25) and Bright Baubles (+75)Welcome back to Classic WoW! If you are looking for the famed Night Fins here is current data on a 1hr fishing session. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. Cooking. Location: Quel' Danil Lodge - Hinterlands. Siempre actualizado al último parche (10. 8 health over 27 sec. 8 health over 27 sec. Always up to date with the latest patch (10. Comment by 336198 For Alliance and Horde players going for loremaster, there's a quest that drops from mobs in Jaedenar that is hard to catch, due to the low droprate of the quest item, Blood Red Key. Item level 45. Live PTR 10. 49 Superior Mana Potion 2 0. 14 Raw Nightfin Snapper 75 18. One advantage there is that in both places you will get Raw Sunscale Salmon and Raw Nightfin Snapper if you pick the 6pm-12am server time range for. Use: Restores 841 health over 27 sec. 2. Spell Tools & Reagents . Comment by 116239 Yellow at 275. 3. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. 260 – 280: Nightfin Soup or Poached Sunscale Salmon. 15. Comment by Thottbot Endgame foods are as a bare minimum the +12 STA +12 SPI ones. 5. Poached Sunscale Salmon. 1). 40 Raw Whitescale Salmon 34. Comments. Raw Whitescale Salmon 166 40. Sempre aggiornati con le ultime patch (10. View in 3D Find upgrades. Welcome back to Classic WoW! If you are looking for the famed Night Fins here is current data on a 1hr fishing session. Quick Facts. Thème Classic Thème Thottbot. Immer auf dem aktuellen Stand mit dem neuesten Patch. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. With a bit of patience and persistence, you’ll have a full stack of salmon in no time. Commento di 145690 Un'Guro Crater - Lakkari Tar Pits. 69 Raw Sunscale Salmon 48 11. Toujours actuelle pour la dernière mise à jour (2. 52 Major Healing Potion 2 0. 52 Major Healing Potion 2 0. 4. Contribute. [Classico Theme] [Thottbot Theme] Commenti. 2. When the time is 12 hours opposite each fish's opportune window, then you can't catch the opposing fish. 14 Raw Nightfin Snapper 75 18. Overview Crafting. In the Cooking Recipes category. (1 sec cooldown) Requires Level 15 Sell Price: 10. Toujours actuelle pour la dernière mise à jour. 2. Must remain seated while eating. N = night (the numbers are messed up cause I fished mostly during the night. m. I went to Winterspring, to Frostfire: Hot Springs. Use: Teaches you how to cook Poached Sunscale Salmon. 85 Plated Armorfish 55 13. This recipe goes yellow at 140, so you might need to catch a bit more than 50 catfish. Siempre actualizado al último parche (1. Comment by 406368 POST-Cataclysm Report: This recipe nor. During this time the drop rates of certain fish varies, for example, Sunscale Salmon and Nightfin Snapper. Kommentare. 49 29 Pound Salmon 1 0. Learn Recipe: Baked Salmon and cook Baked Salmon until your cooking skill reaches 300. Thème Classic Thème Thottbot. 5 PTR 10. 2. 6am - 12pm : Raw Nightfin Snapper , Stonescale Eel , Raw Sunscale Salmon 12pm - 6pm: Raw Sunscale Salmon An item from Classic World of Warcraft. Credit to AlegisAggiunto in World of Warcraft Classico. 49 29 Pound Salmon 1 0. 99 Raw Redgill 19 4. Comentado por Christhina Well and truly over 300 casts for me, though the same location - Lake Jaedenir in Feralas. 24 Raw Whitescale Salmon 166 40. Poached Sunscale Salmon. 15. 275 - 300. Comment by kzEr Probably the best "Well Fed" food for Rogues and Hunters as it gives ~15AP for both classes along with critical. 2%) 1 49 Pound Redgill (0. 15. 7%Found the Large Raw Mightfish @ 69,67 Bay of Storms. Select Realm. Reagents: Raw Sunscale Salmon. 14 Raw Nightfin Snapper 75 18. Poached Sunscale Salmon, Vanilla WoW Welcome back to Classic WoW! If you are looking for the famed Night Fins here is current data on a 1hr fishing session. Comment by Allakhazam I bought this for leveling cooking from 225 to 250. 4). 52 Major Healing Potion 2 0. Poached Sunscale Salmon. Thème Classic Thème Thottbot. 0). Poached Sunscale Salmon. Añadido en World of Warcraft Clásico. 49 29 Pound Salmon 1 0. 49 Superior Mana Potion 2 0. This classic wow fishing and cooking guide will show you fastest way how to level fishing and cooking from 1 to 300. Raw Sunscale salmon: 75 (44%) Raw Whitescale Salmon: 59 (35%) Raw redhill: 25 (14%) Lighting eel: 8 (4%) Good Luck ^^ Comment by AllakhazamAdicionado em World of Warcraft Clássico. . 14 Raw Nightfin Snapper 75 18. Database. 0 sec cast . 7% An item from Classic World of Warcraft. 85 Plated Armorfish 55 13. Commentaire de 145690 Un'Guro Crater - Lakkari Tar Pits. Learn how to catch fish, how to level from 1-300 fishing quickly, the best places to fish, and what to do with fish in WoW Classic. m. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Must remain seated while eating. 69 Raw Sunscale Salmon 48 11. 0. I caught 10 Raw Redgill, 10 raw sunscale salmon and 10 Raw White scale Salmon, exactly at 6pm the fish caught pattern change, I caught Raw Nightfin Snapper and then a Plated Armor fish, I. Contribuisci !. 69 Raw Sunscale Salmon 48 11. Raw Sunscale Salmon - Item - TBC Classic. I caught Raw Sunscale Salmon, Raw Nightfin Snapper, Plated Armor, Raw Whitescale Salmon, and Lightning Eel. (1000 seconds cooldown) Stack Size: 20. 49 Superior Mana Potion 2 0. 3). 8, 57. Cooking Leveling 1-300 Guide - WoW Classic Season of Mastery . An item from Classic World of Warcraft. 99 Raw Redgill 19 4. Always up to date with the latest patch (3. 0. 20. 52 Major Healing Potion 2 0. Live RPT Bêta. Welcome back to Classic WoW! If you are looking for the famed Night Fins here is current data on a 1hr fishing session. Welcome back to Classic WoW! If you are looking for the famed Night Fins here is current data on a 1hr fishing session. Raw Whitescale Salmon 166 40. I grinded for about 10 minutes, much beyond what was. Toujours actuelle pour la dernière mise à jour. 20. Mulgore. Raw Whitescale Salmon 166 40. 58 Lightning Eel 37 9. Fished for 30 minutes and skill went from 300 to 312 and landed the following fish. 58 Lightning Eel 37 9. Live PTR 10. Requires Level 35. Must remain. Location: Quel' Danil Lodge - Hinterlands. like to know if hunters or others would buy this and other fish if sold and how much happiness it gives your pet both raw or cooked. 280 – 315: Lobster Stew or Mightfish Steak. Location: Quel' Danil Lodge - Hinterlands. 14 Raw Nightfin Snapper 75 18. 0). There's a lake there that you can fish from. The page you are looking for does not exist. 评论来自 Allakhazam. 1 Charge. I got there about 9:41pm server time and fished till 9:45pm and caught 15 fish. Location: Quel' Danil Lodge - Hinterlands. 0. 49Welcome back to Classic WoW! If you are looking for the famed Night Fins here is current data on a 1hr fishing session. (used existing guides and made them simpler and more accurate to this patch) The Goal of this guide is to get you to 400 cooking and ~300 fishing. 4). 1 Raw Sunscale Salmon (0. Use: Restores 0 health over 30 sec. 49 29 Pound Salmon 1 0. Search. Ajouté dans World of Warcraft Classic. 85Raw Sunscale Salmon is best caught at Verdantis River in Feralas. 69 Raw Sunscale Salmon 48 11. 49 Superior Mana Potion 2 0. 49 29 Pound Salmon 1 0. 0. 69 Raw Sunscale Salmon 48 11. Ein/eine Gegenstand aus World of Warcraft: Classic. Always up to date with the latest patch (1. (1000 seconds cooldown) Stack Size: 20. Requires Classic Cooking (1) Sell Price: 10. 8 health over 27sec. 300-450 Fishing is the biggest bummer in this. 14 Raw Nightfin Snapper 75 18. 52 Major Healing Potion 2 0. The time was between 22. Was using Nat’s Lucky Fishing Pole (+25 Fishing) and Aquadynamic Fish Attractors (+100). Raw Sunscale Salmon. With something for. 2. Raw Sunscale Salmon. Raw Sunscale salmon: 75 (44%) Raw Whitescale Salmon: 59 (35%) Raw redhill: 25 (14%) Lighting eel: 8 (4%) Good Luck ^^ Comentado por AllakhazamEverything in World of Warcraft game. way better than the 1200 I had been. Comment by 4336 This recipe turns yellow at 265 and green at 285. Comment by hirayz Goes Yellow at 300 and green at 312. Winterspring (also known as Winterspring Valley) [2] is a snowy valley located in Northern Kalimdor, east of Felwood, northeast of Mount Hyjal, and north of Azshara. 52 Major Healing Potion 2 0. Best WoW Classic. Raw Whitescale Salmon 166 40. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Always up to date with the latest patch (1. 85 Plated Armorfish 55 13. Database Items Trade Goods Meat. 24In the NPCs category. 35 x Poached Sunscale Salmon - 35 Raw Sunscale Salmon; 35 x Nightfin Soup - 35 Raw Nightfin Snapper; Both recipes are sold by Gikkix in Tanaris. The Wailing Caverns. Live PTR 10. 99 Raw Redgill 19 4. ( 10min ) And after around 40 min i had over 100 Glacial Salmon. 20. 69 Raw Sunscale Salmon 48 11. 14 Raw Nightfin Snapper 75 18. Poached Sunscale Salmon [Vendor Locations] [This item can be purchased in]. . 13. You'll also snag a bunch of Raw Sunscale Salmon along with it, which is great for skilling up your. 24Ajouté dans World of Warcraft Classic. They can also be found in. inside Winterspring from Felwood to fish for Raw Whitescale Salmon. To top it all off – from level 275 to completion at 300, you’ll be cooking 30 Mightfish Steak, where you’ll need 1 large raw mightfish, 1 hot spice and 1 soothing spices per. I fished 20-25 of theese per Lure. 49 29 Pound Salmon 1 0. Item Level 45 Requires Level 35 Use: Restores 874. 49 Superior Mana Potion 2 0. Raw Whitescale Salmon 166 40. Use: Restores 874. 5% 21 Raw Sunscale Salmon 18.